In this article, you will learn some of the essential life skills which are critical to self mastery, skills which most educational institutions today do not bother to teach their students.
1. Living a balanced life – When you live a life that is out-of-balance, you are leading a life which is not wholly fulfilling, one in which you are probably not happy.
While too much work is often bad, too much leisure and pleasure can equally be debilitating. To be truly successful, one must have a high degree of balance.
They must know when to work, when to relax, and when to study. Your goal in life should be to maintain a certain equilibrium, or balance. Only by maintaining this equilibrium will you find a sense of inner peace and happiness.
While many people argue about what it takes to reach this level of balance, it often simply requires you to look at life from a different perspective.
2. The importance of gaining knowledge – "Gain Knowledge", with reference to essential life skill, does not refer to knowledge of college degree.
Gaining knowledge means that you should always be open to new ideas, new skills, practical knowledge which are essential to overall growth and thus make your life a lifelong learning experience.
If you are the type of person who never reads, then you are breaking this rule all the time, and you are limiting your own potential.
When it comes to learning, there is no such thing as a final destination, it is a skill that you must continue performing for the rest of your life. Only by doing this will you make the most out of the life you have been given.
3. Properly Managing your Energy – Energy is defined in physics as the capacity to do work. Every healthy human on this planet has energy, but we are all limited in the amount that we have been given.
You only have so much time to work, read, study, play or eat, and the ways in which you manage your energy can mean the difference between success in life, and failure.
If you spend too much time working, you will not have the energy to play. If you spend too much time playing, it will be hard for you to find the energy to work.
Nurturing Skill – Nurturing is a skill which is heavily overlooked among all the essential life skills. Nurturing basically consists of you being able to care for someone else, which essentially requires you to have a certain level of empathy.
In a world where it seems as if practically everyone is out for themselves, this can be one of the most difficult of all skills to develop, particularly when you have a tendency towards ruthlessness and cunning.
At the same time, it is important to make sure that this skill is kept in balance, as we were not designed to live out our lives serving others, and many people in general will not appreciate much of what you give them anyway.
Discernment – The ability to discern is an ability which can take you to the highest sphere of success. Discernment is basically defined as the ability to see situations in different ways, to the tell the difference between different types of interaction.
One thing that needs to be emphasized is that most people have agendas which are unique to them. While some people have agendas which are obvious, others do not, and it is always important to be able to determine when you are being manipulated.
The next life skill which is incredibly important, but often overlooked, is wisdom.
Wisdom – In the Bible, when King Solomon was given his wishes, one of the things he asked for was wisdom, and God was so impressed by this that he gave Solomon both wisdom and riches. Becoming a wise person is a skill that can never be learnt in a class room. It comes with time, experience, and most importantly, observation.
The wisest person is an individual who is able to learn from the mistakes from others, as opposed to just himself. A wise person will make wise decisions, and will be able to avoid many of life’s pitfalls.
The life skills described in this article are difficult to develop in a classroom setting; in fact, these skills are best learned outside the classroom. While these skills are difficult to learn in a traditional academic setting, mastery of them will lead to a life of wealth, power, success, and most importantly, self fulfillment and inner peace.
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